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About Us

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

If you have a complaint regarding the SEN provision that your child is receiving or should be receiving, please contact Sarah Rickards (School SENCo) on 01775 840414 or Tom Baxter (Executive Headteacher) on 01775 840414.

The school has ongoing identification procedures for SEND as part of continuous assessment. We establish as much information as we can regarding a child’s individual needs at intake stage when we meet with parents and carry out nursery visits.

If our experience and expertise indicates that a child has special educational needs we will always discuss this with parents, either initially with the class teacher and/or the school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo).

If a child’s name is placed on the school’s SEN register then an appropriate programme of action is devised, closely monitored and reviewed (known as a Learning Plan). If a child is not responding sufficiently to any additional support that the school is able to provide, and after discussion with parents, we may refer to outside agencies such as STAPS (Specialist Teachers), Speech Therapist or Educational Psychologist. In very rare cases a child may receive a Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).

The school’s SENCo is available via appointment and she will be more than happy to meet with parents to discuss any individual concerns that they may have.

More Able Children

More able children also have additional needs in order for them to attain and surpass their potential. As a school we identify more able children; we are quick to put in place provision which challenges them, provides new experiences and develops aspirations for the future.

Positive Climate for Learning

We have very high expectations of our pupils and take a firm line on behaviour as, if children are to make the best possible progress, their learning must not be hampered by the behaviour of others. These expectations are outlined in our School Behaviour Policy.

Gosberton Academy is an inclusive school. All members of the school community should be free from discrimination of any sort (as laid down in the Equality act, 2010). To this end the school has a clear and comprehensive Anti-Bullying Policy that is known and understood by all, consistently applied and monitored for its effectiveness. Measures to protect pupils from bullying and discrimination as a result of gender, face, ability, sexual orientation or background are clearly set out.

Lincolnshire Parent and Carer Forum (LPCF)

At Gosberton Academy we know that working with other agencies for support is beneficial for all children; with this in mind we have formed local connections with Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum.  The Charity is an independent members organisation overseen by a members elected group of Trustees who are mostly parents and carers of children with disabilities and/or Special Educational Needs. Please take a look at the link to find out more information about how you can sign up with LPCF. You can sign up for free with no obligation to attend anything. You can just use it to update you with information that will be beneficial for you and your child/ren.

They provide the most up to date services and advice, as well as workshops and events. Please click on the link below to find out about the other agencies that could help you and your child. 


Liaise is Lincolnshire's Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS). They provide confidential and impartial information, advice and support to children and young people (0-25 years) with SEN and disabilities, and their parents and carers. They aim to empower families to have the SEND knowledge and understanding they need. Please click on the link below for further information.

Agencies We Work With

After undertaking a process of Assess, Plan, Do and Review as part of the Graduated Approach, we may feel it necessary to seek further guidance and support from external agencies. Once everyone is in agreement, we will refer and work alongside other professionals and agencies to ensure the best possible outcomes for your child. These are some of the possible external agencies that we could work with:

The Graduated Approach - Assess, Plan, Do, Review | Graduated Approach |  Kirklees SEND Local Offer

Specialist Teaching Team

Specialist Teacher assess pupils individually to provide information to support pupils with cognition and learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, memory deficits and language development. During termly review discussions your child may be identified as benefitting from receiving support from this service a referral form will be sent home to fill out to obtain additional information.


Mental Health Support Team

Mental health support can be sought either through parental referrals via or through a school referral with parental consent. They will talk through how you are feeling and explore if any of their services would be appropriate to support. 


Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and Language Therapy referrals can be made by school with parental consent and they can support to assess speech difficulties and language acquisition. Once a therapist has assessed your child and written a plan, school will work with your child to deliver the plan in school. Sometimes your child may require weekly therapy sessions from one of the speech and language therapist which school can support.


The Working Together Team

The Working Together Team provide strategies and support for children who find the classroom environment challenging as well as training for staff. The SENCo and The Working Together Team identify children who require support in a planning meeting. This will then be discussed with parents in review meetings and a referral form completed with parental consent for involvement.


The BOSS team

The BOSS Team are commissioned as part of the Pupil Re-integration Team at Lincolnshire County Council. They provide support for pupils who are at risk of exclusion due to challenging behaviour. They also provide training and support for staff in school. Referral is made to this team if your child is placed on a pastoral support plan.



We are part of the Voyage Education Partnership

Voyage Education Partnership Venture House, Enterprise Way Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 7TW