Here at Gosberton Academy we believe passionately in putting children first and ensuring they reach their full potential. We make sure children are inspired by learning - and are excited by the many opportunities we offer through a rich and varied curriculum. We want our children to learn life skills; to be good citizens, to confidently voice opinions, look after the environment and respect others.
Working in partnership with families is incredibly important for us as we work together to achieve the very best outcomes for children. We operate an open door policy where we welcome families to the school community. Please call in and see us whether you have a small concern or question, or a larger one - we are always happy to see parents and families.
Mr Tom Baxter
Y6 said their final goodbyes today! What a group and what a final day!
Gosberton Academy is a school situated in the heart of the Gosberton village. It is a close-knit community school that caters for all learners, wanting each and every learner to succeed both inside and outside of the classroom.
The emphasis at Gosberton Academy is on ensuring all learners try their best, never give up, and are always looking to be their 'best self' at all times.
Due to the size of the school, every learner is known by every member of staff. This ensures all our families feel supported and cared for during their time at Gosberton Academy.
Gosberton Academy, High Street, Gosberton, Lincolnshire, PE11 4NW
01775 840414 enquiries@gosbertonacademy.netVoyage Education Partnership Venture House, Enterprise Way Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 7TW